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Polka Acts
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Doppelgänger is a fun, lively, Oktoberfest themed polka band that mixes traditional German drinking songs with “polkafied” pop tunes including traditional polkas and waltzes. English and German vocalist joins an accordion, tuba, clarinet and percussion.
This group performs regularly at Ocktoberfest events in Philly and New York including Asbury Festhalle & Biergarten in Asbury Park, NJ, Pilsner Haus & Biergarten in Hoboken, NJ, Deutcher Club of Clark NJ, The Reading Liederkranz, in Berks County, PA and Musikfest in Bethlehem, PA. Available for booking within 100 miles of the greater Philadelphia area. Extra fee for engagements outside of our home area or if overnight accommodations are needed.
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